Friday, October 19, 2012

Windows 8 Questions

Windows 8  in it zoomed out appearance

Windows 8 is an amazing looking OS, despite the steep learning curve. Every person who has to take training for it will tell you that. It makes up for it when you find out how to get everything working. So in this fact, Microsoft has learned a little off of Android and a little off of Apple. In the aspects of Android, it has a learning curve; but it's many different features such as the ability to search any app, look at the settings, etc. It also has cloud storage and personal settings that is linked to any Windows 8 devices when you log in with any particular device. It's nice that tech companies actually learn from each other and not rip each other apart like two politicians running for public office. In retrospect, it's a nice OS for people that want everything at their fingertips and organized. If you ever get to sit down and actually learn how to use it, you definitely won't regret it.